Hadaril's Assorted Cartographic Projects

This page serves as an index for all my assorted cartographic projects that I've completed throughout the past five or so years, and as a portal for navigating the site at large. The maps focus on a wide range of topics, from video games such as World of Warcraft, Star Wars the Old Republic, Guild Wars 2, and others, to Alternate History timelines, to maps of our own history, and beyond! The quality of these maps varies, a reflection of the wide span of time that I've been working on maps. Some of the earliest date to 2013 and are rudimentary at best. I'm proud of my progression in style and ability, and hopefully that is reflected by these maps! The index is organized by setting, topic, and theme. Links to other indexes - such as that for my NextGen OTL series - are listed here as well.

Blank Maps


Star Wars


Avatar the Last Airbender

Video Games

World of Warcraft

Star Wars the Old Republic

Guild Wars 2

Non Video Game Fantasy

Elysion (OC)

Avatar the Last Airbender

NextGen OTL Worlda Project


Ancient Era

Medieval Era

Early Modern Era

Revolutionary Era

First World War


Second World War

The Modern Era

Special thanks goes to AlternateHistory.com members CulturalDelusionists, Viralworld, Bob Hope, Admiral A. Kolchak, and LSCatilina for their contributions.

Alternate History

Lux Hispaniae

Europa Univeralis 4

Other Timelines

  • Kaiserreich Cold War

  • Other Maps

    Real World Maps

    Joke Maps

    Testing stuff and Scraps

    - Hadaril, February 1st, 2018

    Note: Any changes will be posted at the same url as above - i.e, if the 565 map is updated, the URL will be the same.
