An Archive and Gallery for my Cartographic Work
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Hello! I am Joel Conti, and this is my cartography portfolio.
I am a lifelong map enthusiast and hobbyist, and have been doing cartography commission work since 2016. This page serves as a portfolio for (most) of my cartographic work produced over the past decade. Use the navigation buttons on the top navigation bar or the links below to explore the full portfolio.
My portfolio includes a wide range of maps, including thematic maps & statistical maps produced in ArcGIS, historical reference maps, as well as alternate-history, fantasy, and sci-fi maps produced in Adobe Illustrator. This portfolio also contains an archive of the “NextGen WorldA Base Maps” – a series of 80+ historical reference maps built for use by the online mapping community. Many thanks go out to the other team members who helped contribute to this ambitious project.
For information about cartography commissions, check out the contact page! I would love to get in touch!